Registration opens September 9 for “Reimagining the Future of Work.”
New Talking Points for Sociology Departments Under Threat
Use these talking points to defend against institutional, legislative, and other threats.
Find Sociology Jobs and Fellowships
The ASA Career Center has the most comprehensive collection of job ads for sociologists.
Majoring in Sociology: A Pathway to Opportunity
New booklet and companion brochure now available in the ASA bookstore! Also see our new Major in Sociology web page.
Who We Are
The American Sociological Association, founded in 1905, is the national professional membership association for sociologists and others who are interested in sociology. ASA’s mission is to serve sociologists in their work, advance sociology as a science and profession, and promote the contributions and use of sociology to society. ASA members include students, scholars and teachers working in a full range of educational institutions, and people employed in government agencies and nonprofit and private sector organizations. Learn More
2025 ASA Annual Meeting
Mark your calendars for the 120th ASA Annual Meeting, to be held August 8-12, 2025, in Chicago on the theme “Reimagining the Future of Work.” Registration opens in the Spring. Learn more.
Virtual Event for Graduate Students Interested in Organizations, Occupations, and Work
How does ASA membership benefit you? Whether you are a student, or a sociologist employed in a research-oriented institution, a teaching-focused institution, or a practice setting, ASA membership benefits you in five career-enhancing ways. It helps you stay up to date on the discipline. It helps you with professional development. It helps you connect with people and opportunities. It helps you save money. And, critically, it gives you the opportunity to make a difference.
Featured Member
Rebecca London
“As chair of the ASA’s Sociology Action Network (SAN), I value ASA’s commitment to supporting engaged scholarship through funding, workshops, and scholarly guidance. I appreciate the dedication of ASA’s professional staff to supporting members to create social impact through scholarship.”
Pick Your Own Sponsorship
As a nation, we may be emerging from the pandemic, but ASA knows that many people are still struggling. With the Pick your Own Sponsorship initiative, sociologists can take 10, 20, or 30 percent off their dues, or give a sponsorship of 10, 20, or 30 percent to help others.
Advocacy Efforts
ASA undertakes many advocacy efforts on issues such as demonstrating the value of sociology and defending academic freedom. We also advocate for robust federal funding for relevant work.
Professional Development Videos and Webinars
ASA has a rich collection of videos and webinars tailored specifically to sociologists to learn how to approach challenges and enrich their professional lives at every career stage.