Community and Urban Sociology Award Recipient History

Last Updated: August 22, 2024

The Section on Community and Urban Sociology Publicly Engaged Scholar Award

2023: Derek Hyra, American University

2021: George Greenidge, Georgia State University

2021: Stefanie A. DeLuca, Johns Hopkins University

Community and Urban Sociology Section’s Early Career Award

Established in 2024. Given every other year and alternates with the Robert and Helen Lynd Award.

Community and Urban Sociology Graduate Student Paper Award

2024: Anna Fox, University of Chicago, “Anti-Black and Blue: Neighborhood Identity and Local Racial Ideologies in Chicago’s Police Neighborhoods.”

2024 Honorable Mention: Henry Gomory, Princeton Sociology, “The social and institutional contexts underlying landlords’ eviction practices.” Social Forces, 100, No. 4: 1774-1805. 2022.

2023: Reed T. DeAngelis, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. “Moving on Up? Neighborhood Status and Racism-Related Distress among Black Americans.” Social Forces, 100(4): 1503–32. 2022.

2023 Honorable Mention: Luis Flores Jr., University of Michigan. “Zoning as a Labor Market Regulation.”

2022: Kiara Wyndham Douds, New York University, “The Diversity Contract: Constructing Racial Harmony in a Diverse American Suburb.”

2022: Andrew Messamore, University of Texas at Austin, “The Effect of Community Organizing on Landlords’ Use of Eviction Filing: Evidence from U.S. Cities.”

2021: Ángel Mendiola Ross, University of California, Berkeley, “Outercity Policing: Drivers of Police Spending in a Changing Metropolis.”

2020: H. Jacob Carlson. “Measuring Displacement: Assessing Proxies for Involuntary Residential Mobility,” City & Community. 2020.

2020 Honorable Mention: Chris Herring. “Complaint-Oriented Policing: Regulating Homelessness in Public Space.” American Sociological Review 84(5): 769-800. 2019.

2019: Zachary Hyde, University of British Columbia, “Giving Back to Get Ahead: Altruism as a Developer Strategy of Accumulation Through Affordable Housing Policy in Toronto and Vancouver,” Geoforum 2018.

2019 Honorable Mention: Christine Jang-Trettien, Johns Hopkins University, “Social Structure of the Informal Housing Market”

2018: Robin Bartram, Northwestern University, “Going Easy and Going After: Building Inspections and the Selective Allocation of Code Violations”

2018 Honorable Mention: Rahim Kurwa, University of California, Los Angeles, “Policing to Segregate: Sketching the Contours of an Eviction Regime in Suburban Los Angeles”

2017: Brian Levy, “Wealth, Race, and Place: How Neighborhood Disadvantage from Adolescence to Middle Adulthood Affects Wealth Inequality and the Racial Wealth Gap at Age 50”

2016: Jeremy Levine, “The Privatization of Political Representation: Community-Based Organizations as Nonelected Neighborhood Representatives,” American Journal of Sociology 81(6):1251-1275. 2016.

2015: Pamela J. Prickett, “Contextualizing from Within: Perceptions of Physical Disorder in a South Central L.A. African American Mosque,” City & Community 13(3):214-232. 2014.

2014: Issa B. Kohler-Hausmann, “Misdemeanor Justice: Control without Conviction,” American Journal of Sociology 119(2):351-393. 2013.

2014: Zawadi Rucks-Ahidiana, University of California, Berkeley, “Moving on Up: Race and Upward Neighborhood Succession”

2012: Nicholas J. Klein, The State University of New Jersey, and Andrew Zitcer, Rutgers University, “Everything but the Chickens: Cultural Authenticity Onboard the Chinatown Bus,” Urban Geography 33(1):46-63. 2012.

2011: Van C. Tran, Harvard University, “Spatial Assimilation or Spatial Inequality? Second-Generation Neighborhood Attainment and Mobility Trajectories in Young Adulthood”

2010: Erin Powers, University of Washington, “Must it Take a Village? Social Disorganization, Crime and Collective Action”

2009: Laura M. Tach, Harvard University, “More than Bricks and Mortar: Neighborhood Frames, Social Processes, and the Mixed-Income Redevelopment of a Public Housing Project,” City & Community 8(3):269-299. 2009.

2008: L. Owen Kirkpatrick, “The Two ‘Logics’ of Community Development: Neighborhoods, Markets and Community Development Corporations,” Politics & Society 35(2):329-359. 2007.

2007: Jooyoung Lee, University of California, Los Angeles, “Rappin’ on the Street Corner: The Social Organization of Street ‘Disorder”

2006: Adriana Abdenur, Princeton University, “Opening Doors Upstairs: Networks and Social Capital Among Ipanema Doormen”

2005: Andrew Scott Deener, University of California, Los Angeles

2005 Honorable Mention: Virag Molnar, Princeton University

2004: Kraig Beyerlein and John Hipp, University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, “Bridging or Bonding Social Capital as an Antidote to Crime: The Case of American Religious Traditions”

2004 Honorable Mention: Ellen Berrey, Northwestern University, “Debating Diversity: A Slippery Symbol in Neighborhood Redevelopment Politics”

2003: John Hipp, University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, “If You Don’t Do It, Someone Else Might…Volunteering for Neighborhood Associations as a Response to Environmental Change”

2002: Isaac Martin, University of California, Berkeley, “Dawn of the Living Wage: The Diffusion of a Redistributive Municipal Policy,” Urban Affairs Review 36(4):470-496. 2001.

2001: Judith Friedman, Rutgers University

2000: Elena Vesselinov, University at Albany, “The Continuing ‘Wind of Change’ in the Balkans: Globalization and Housing Transformations in Sofia”

1999: Rachael Anne Woldoff, The Ohio State University, “The Effects of Local Stressors on Neighborhood Attachments”

1998: Eric Klinenberg, University of California, Berkeley, “Denaturalizing Disaster: A Social Autopsy of the 1995 Chicago Heat Wave,” Theory and Society 28(2):239-295. 1999.

1997: Kevin Fox Gotham, Tulane University, “Suburbia Under Siege: Low Income Housing and Racial Conflict in Metropolitan Kansas, 1970 to Present”

1996: Jennifer Parker, City University Graduate School, “The Corporate Fast Food Restaurant as ‘Transnational Community’: Global and Local Interactions Among an Immigrant Workforce in New York City”

1995: Dalton Clark Conley, Columbia University, “Separate and Unequal? Household Level Effects of Racially Segregated Housing Markets”

Community and Urban Sociology Section’s Jane Addams Article Award

2024: Christof Brandtner, Emlyon Business School, and Stanford University, “Green American City: Civic Capacity and the Distributed Adoption of Urban Innovations.” American Journal of Sociology. 2022.

2024 Honorable Mention: Max Besbris, University of Wisconsin-Madison, and Elizabeth Korver-Glenn, Washington University in St. Louis, “Value fluidity and value anchoring: race, intermediaries and valuation in two housing markets.” Socio-Economic Review. 2023.

2024 Honorable Mention: Samuel Kye, Baylor University, “The Rise of Asian Ethnoburbs: A Case of Self Segregation?” Sociology of Race and Ethnicity. 2023.

2023: Prentiss A. Dantzler, University of Toronto. “The Urban Process Under Racial Capitalism: Race, Anti-Blackness, and Capital Accumulation.” Journal of Race, Ethnicity, and the City, 2(2): 113-134. 2021.

2022: Junia Howell, University of Illinois-Chicago, and Elizabeth Korver-Glenn, University of New Mexico, “The Increasing Effect of Neighborhood Racial Composition on Housing Values, 1980–2015.” Social Problems, Vol. 68(4): 1051-1070. 2021.

2022 Honorable Mention: Robin Bartram, Tulane University, “Cracks in Broken Windows: How Objects Shape Professional Evaluation.” American Journal of Sociology, Vol. 126(4): 759-794. 2021.

2022 Honorable Mention: Japonica Brown-Saracino, Boston University, “The Afterlife of Identity Politics: Gentrification, Critical Nostalgia, and the Commemoration of Lost Dyke Bars.” American Journal of Sociology, Vol. 126(5): 1-63. 2021.

2021: Monica C. Bell, , Yale University, “Located Institutions: Neighborhood Frames, Residential Preferences, and the Case of Policing.” American Journal of Sociology 125, no. 4 (2020): 917-973.

2021: Josh Pacewicz, Brown University and John Robinson, Washington University, St. Louis, “Pocketbook Policing: How Race Shapes Municipal Reliance on Punitive Fines and Fees in the Chicago Suburbs. Socio-Economic Review (2020).

2020: Hwang, Jackelyn. “Gentrification without Segregation? Race, Immigration, and Renewal in a Diversifying City,” City & Community. 2019.

2019: Andrew Papachristos and Sara Bastomski, “Connected in Crime: The Enduring Effect of Neighborhood Networks on the Spatial Patterning of Violence,” American Journal of Sociology 124(2):517-568. 2018.

2018: Hillary Angelo, “From the City Lens Toward Urbanisation as a Way of Seeing: Country/City Binaries on an Urbanising Planet,” Urban Studies 54(1):158-178. 2017.

2017: Angelina Grigoryevaand Martin Ruef, “The Historical Demography of Racial Segregation,” American Sociological Review 80(4):814-842. 2015.

2016: Japonica Brown-Saracino, “How Places Shape Identity: The Origins of Distinctive LBQ Identities in Four Small U.S. Cities,” American Journal of Sociology 121(1):1-63. 2015.

2015: Josh Pacewicz, “Tax Increment Financing, Economic Development Professionals and the Financialization of Urban Politics,” Socio-Economic Review 11(3):413-440. 2013.

2014: Lincoln G. Quillian, Northwestern University, “Segregation and Poverty Concentration : The Role of Three Segregations,” American Sociological Review 77(3):354-379. 2012.

2013: Matthew Desmond, “Eviction and the Reproduction of Urban Poverty,” American Journal of Sociology 118(1):88-133. 2012.

2012: Geoffrey T. Wodtke, University of Michigan, David J. Harding, and Felix Elwert, University of Wisconsin, “Neighborhood Effects in Temporal Perspective: The Impact of Long-Term Exposure to Concentrated Disadvantage on High School Graduation,” American Sociological Review 76(5):713–736. 2011.

2011: Papachristos, Andrew. 2009. “Murder by Structure: Dominance Relations and The Social Structure of Gang Homicide,” American Journal of Sociology, 115(1): 74-128.

2010: Alice Goffman, Princeton University, “On the Run: Wanted Men in a Philadelphia Ghetto,” American Sociological Review 74(3):339-357. 2009.

2010: Patrick Sharkey, New York University, “The Intergenerational Transmission of Context,” American Journal of Sociology 113(4):931-969. 2008.

2009: Robert J. Sampson, Harvard University, “Moving to Inequality: Neighborhood Effects and Experiments Meet Social Structure,” American Journal of Sociology 114(1):189-231. 2008.

2008: Kevin Fox Gotham, Tulane University, “The Secondary Circuit of Capital Reconsidered: Globalization and the U.S. Real Estate Section,” American Journal of Sociology 112(1):231-275. 2006.

2007: Elizabeth Bruch and Robert Mare, “Neighborhood Choice and Neighborhood Change,” American Journal of Sociology 112(3):667-709. 2006.

2006: Robert J. Sampson and Stephen Raudenbush, “Seeing disorder: Neighborhood Stigma and the Social Construction of Broken Windows,” Social Psychology Quarterly 67(4):319-342. 2004.

2005: Courtney B. Abrams, Karen Albright, and Aaron Panofsky, “Contesting the New York Community: From Liminality to the “New Normal” in the Wake of September 11,” City & Community 3(3):189-220. 2004.

2005: Nicole Marwell,  “Privatizing the Welfare State: Nonprofit Community-Based Organizations as Political Actors,” American Sociological Review 69(2):265-291. 2004.

2004: Mario Small, Princeton University, “Culture, Cohorts, and Social Organization Theory: Understanding Local Participation in a Latino Housing Project,” American Journal of Sociology 108(1):1-54. 2002.

2004 Honorable Mention: Keith Hampton, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, and Barry Wellman, University of Toronto, “Neighboring in Netville: How the Internet Supports Community and Social Capital in a Wired Suburb” City & Community 2(4):277-311. 2003.

2003: Jennifer Lee, University of California, Irvine, “From Civil Relations to Racial Conflict: Merchant-Customer Interactions in Urban America,” American Sociological Review 67(1):77-98. 2002.

Community and Urban Sociology Section’s Robert and Helen Lynd Award for Lifetime Achievement

As of 2024, this award is given every other year and alternates with the Early Career Award.

2024: Mario Luis Small, Columbia University

2023: Lance Freeman, University of Pennsylvania

2022: John Gilderbloom, University of Louisville

2021: Elijah Anderson, Yale University

2020: Barrett Lee, Professor Emeritus, Pennsylvania State University

2019: Anne B. Shlay, Georgia State University

2018: Nancy Denton, State University of New York, Albany

2017: Robert Sampson, Harvard University

2016: Hilary Silver, Brown University

2014: Douglas S. Massey, Princeton University

2013: William Julius Wilson, Harvard University

2012: Terry Nichols Clark, University of Chicago

2011: Gregory D. Squires, George Washington University

2010: Mark Gottdiener, University of Buffalo

2009: Anthony Orum, University of Illinois, Chicago

2008: John Logan, Brown University

2007: Sharon Zukin, Brooklyn College

2006: Barry Wellman, University of Toronto

2005: John Walton, University of California, Davis

2004: Richard Sennett, New York University and London School of Economics

2003: Harvey Molotch, New York University

2001: Chester Hartman, Poverty Race Research Council

2000: Joe Feagin, University of Florida

1999: Janet Abu-Lughod, New School for Social Research, for career achievement

1998: Manuel Castells, University of California, Berkeley, for career achievement

1997: Peter Rossi, University Massachusetts

1996: Claude S. Fischer, University of California, Berkeley, for lifetime contribution

1995: Lyn H. Lofland, University of California, Davis

1994: Kenneth P. Wilkinson, Pennsylvania State University

1993: Gerald Suttles, University of Chicago

1992: Herbert Gans, Columbia University, former ASA president

1991: Sylvia Fava, City University of New York, Brooklyn College

1990: Amos Hawley, University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, former ASA president

1989: John Ronald Seeley

1988: William Foote Whyte, Cornell University, former ASA president

1987: Joseph Bensman, Maurice Stein, and Arthur Vidich, New School for Social Research

1986: Floyd Hunter, University of California, Berkeley, founder Social Science Research and Development Corporation

1985: Morris Janowitz, University of Chicago

1984: James Coleman, University of Chicago, former ASA president

1983: Irwin Sanders, Boston University

1982: Roland Warren, Brandeis University

1981: Everett C. Hughes, University of Chicago, former ASA president

1980: Robert & Helen Lynd, Columbia University

1979: Nels Anderson, University of New Brunswick

Community and Urban Sociology Section’s Outstanding Book in Community and Urban Sociology

This award was first given in 1987 in honor of Robert E. Park’s contributions to Urban Sociology. While this award was previously the Robert E. Park Book Award, it was renamed in 2024. 

2024: Tanya Maria Golash-Boza, University of California, Merced,  Before Gentrification: The Creation of DC’s Racial Wealth Gap. University of California Press. 2023.

2024: Jean Yen-chun Lin, California State University, East Bay, A Spark in the Smokestacks: Environmental Organizing in Beijing Middle-Class Communities. Columbia University Press. 2023.

2024 Honorable Mention: Vanessa A. Rosa, Mount Holyoke College, Precarious Constructions: Race, Class, and Urban Revitalization in Toronto. The University of North Carolina Press Books. 2023.

2023: Elizabeth Korver-Glenn, Washington University in St. Louis, Race Brokers: Housing Markets and Segregation in 21st Century Urban America. Oxford: Oxford University Press. 2021.

2023: Zachary Levenson, University of North Carolina, Greensboro, Delivery as Dispossession: Land Occupation and Eviction in the Postapartheid City. Oxford: Oxford University Press. 2022.

2023 Honorable Mention: Robin Bartram, Tulane University, Stacked Decks: Building Inspectors and the Reproduction of Urban Inequality. Chicago: University of Chicago Press. 2022.

2022: Xuefei Ren, Michigan State University, Governing the Urban in China and India: Land Grabs, Slum Clearance, and the War in Air Pollution. Princeton University Press. 2020.

2022: Jessica Simes, Boston University, Punishing Places: The Geography of Mass Imprisonment. University of California Press. 2021.

2022 Honorable Mention: Pierette Hondagneu-Sotelo and Manuel Pastor, University of Southern California, South Central Dreams: Finding Home and Building Community in South L.A. New York University Press. 2021.

2021: Marco Garrido, University of Chicago, The Patchwork City: Class, Space, and Politics in Metro Manila. University of Chicago Press 2019.

2020: Scott Frickel and James R. Elliott.  Sites Unseen: Uncovering Hidden Hazards in American Cities. ASA Rose Monograph Series- Russell Sage 2018.

2020: Maria G. Rendon. Stagnant Dreamers: How the Inner City Shapes the Integration of Second Generation Latinos. Russell Sage 2019.

2019: Marcus Anthony Hunter and Zandria F. Robinson, Chocolate Cities: The Black Map of American Life. University of California Press. 2018

2019: Esther Sullivan, Manufactured Insecurity: Mobile Home Parks and Americans’ Tenuous Right to Place. University of California Press. 2018.

2018: Iddo Tavory, Summoned: Identification and Religious Life in a Jewish Neighborhood. Univeristy of Chicago Press. 2016.

2018: Maria Krysan and Kyle Crowder, Cycle of Segregation: Social Processes and Residential Stratification. Russell Sage Foundation. 2017.

2017: Forrest Stuart, Down, Out and Under Arrest: Policing and Everyday Life in Skid Row. University of Chicago Press. 2016.

2016: Javier Auyero and María Fernanda Berti, In Harm’s Way: The Dynamics of Urban Violence. Princeton University Press. 2015.

2015: Patrick Sharkey, Stuck in Place: Urban Neighborhoods and the End of Progress Toward Racial Equality. University of  Chicago Press. 2013.

2014: Zaire Z. Dinzey-Flores, Rutgers University, Locked In, Locked Out: Gated Communities in a Puerto Rican City. University of Pennsylvania Press. 2013

2014: Douglas S. Massey, Princeton University, Len Albright, Northeastern University, Rebecca Casciano, Princeton University, Elizabeth Derickson, and David N. Kinsey, Princeton University, Climbing Mount Laurel: The Struggle for Affordable Housing and Social Mobility in an American Suburb. Princeton University Press. 2013.

2013: Robert Sampson, Harvard University, Great American City: Chicago and the Enduring Neighborhood Effect. University of Chicago Press. 2012.

2012: Li Zhang, Virginia Commonwealth University,  In Search of Paradise: Middle-Class Living in a Chinese Metropolis. Cornell University Press. 2010.

2010: Javier Auyero and Debora Alejandra Swistun, University of Texas, Flammable: Environmental Suffering in an Argentine Shantytown. Oxford University Press. 2009.

2009: Miriam Greenberg, University of California, Santa Cruz, Branding New York: How a City in Crisis Was Sold to the World. Routledge. 2008.

2008: Mary Pattillo, Northwestern University, Black on the Block. University of Chicago Press. 2007.

2008 Honorable Mention: Kevin Fox Gotham, Authentic New Orleans. New York University Press. 2007

2008 Honorable Mention: Eric Klinenberg, Fighting for Air. Holt Paperbacks. 2007

2008 Honorable Mention: Nicole Marwell, Bargaining For Brooklyn. The University of Chicago Press. 2007

2008 Honorable Mention: Emily Rosenbaum & Samantha Friedman, The Housing Divide. New York University Press. 2007

2008 Honorable Mention: Loic Wacquant, Urban Outcasts. Polity Press. 2008.

2007: Robert Smith, Baruch College, Mexican New York: Transnational Lives of New Immigrants. University of California Press. 2005.

2006: Chris Rhomberg, Yale University, No There There: Race, Class and Political Community in Oakland. University of California Press. 2004.

2005: Mario Small, Villa Victoria: The Transformation of Social Capital in a Boston Barrio. University of Chicago Press. 2004

2005: Terry Clark, The City as an Entertainment Machine. Elsevier. 2004.

2005 Honorable Mention: Andrew Wiese, Places of Their Own: African American Suburbanization in the Twentieth Century. University of Chicago Press. 2004

2005 Honorable Mention: Philip Kasinitz, John Mollenkopf, and Mary Waters, Becoming New Yorkers: Ethnographies of the New Second Generation. Russell Sage Foundation. 2004.

2004: Sonya Salamon, University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign, Newcomers to Old Towns: Suburbanization of the Heartland. University of Chicago Press. 2003.

2003: Eric Klinenberg, New York University, Heat Wave: A Social Autopsy of Disaster in Chicago. University of Chicago Press. 2002.

2002: Susan Eckstein, Boston University, “Community as Gift-Giving: Collective Roots of Volunteerism,” American Sociological Review 66(6):829-851. 2001.

2001: Cynthia M. Duncan, Ford Foundation, Worlds Apart: Why Poverty Persists in Rural America. Yale University Press. 1999.

1999: Jan Lin, Occidental College, Reconstructing Chinatown: Ethnic Enclaves, Global Change. University of Minnesota Press. 1998.

1998: Roger Waldinger, University of California, Los Angeles, Still Promised City? African-Americans and New Immigrants in Postindustrial New York. Harvard University Press. 1996.

1997: Camilo Jose Vergara, Photographer and Sociologist, The New American Ghetto. Rutgers University Press. 1995.

1996: John Horton, University of California, Los Angeles, The Politics of Diversity: Immigration, Resistance and Change in Monterey Park California. Temple University Press. 1995.

1995: Alejandro Portes, Johns Hopkins University, and Alex Stepick, Florida International University, City on the Edge: The Transformation of Miami. University of California Press. 1993.

1994: Richard Maddox, Carnegie-Mellon University, El Castillo: The Politics of Tradition in an Andalusian Town. University of Illinois Press. 1993.

1993: John Walton, University of California, Los Angeles, Western Times and Water Wars: State, Culture, and Rebellion in California. University of California Press. 1991.

1992: Martin Sanchez Jankowski, University of California, Berkeley, Islands in the Street: Gang and American Society. University of California Press. 1991.

1991: Elijah Anderson, University of Pennsylvania, StreetWise: Race, Class, and Change in an Urban Community. University of Chicago Press. 1990.

1990: Theodore Bestor, Columbia University, Neighborhood Tokyo. Stanford University Press. 1989.

1989: Steven P. Erie, University of California, San Diego, Rainbow’s End: Irish Americans and the Dilemmas of Urban Machine Politics, 1840-1985. University of California Press. 1988.

1988: Carolyn Ellis, University of South Florida, Fisher Folk, Two Communities on Chesapeake Bay. University Press of Kentucky. 1986.

1988: Harvey Molotch, University of California, Santa Barbara, and John Logan, State University of New York, Albany, Urban Fortunes, the Political Economy of Place. University of California Press. 1987.

1987: Jonathan Rieder, Yale University, Canarsie: The Jews and the Italians of Brooklyn Against Liberalism. Harvard University Press. 1985.

1987: Victoria Steinitz & Ellen Solomon, Yale University, Starting Out: Class and Community in the Lives of Working-Class Youth. Temple University Press. 1986.

Community and Urban Sociology Section’s Excellence in Teaching in Community and Urban Sociology

2024: Azat Zana Gündoğan, Florida State University

2022: Albert Fu, Professor of Sociology in the Department of Anthropology and Sociology, Kutztown University

Community and Urban Sociology Section’s Special Award

In 2012 The Community and Urban Sociology Section Honored Herbert Gans of Columbia University, for the 50th Anniversary of the publication of The Urban Villagers, contributing to urban theory and practice 1962-2012.