Sociology of Consumers and Consumption

The Section on the Sociology of Consumers and Consumption seeks to promote research, dialog and teaching about the multi-faceted ways in which consumers, commodities, consumption and market logics have come to inform virtually all aspects of social life and social interaction.

Annual Report (2023)
Award Recipient History

Section Council

Chair: Patricia A. Banks, Mount Holyoke College
Chair-Elect: Amanda Koontz, University of Central Florida
Past Chair: Yasemin Besen-Cassino, Montclair State University
Section Secretary/Treasurer: Daniel Fridman, University of Texas at Austin
Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Officer: Rachel Skaggs, Ohio State University
Daphne Demetry, McGill University
Meghann M. Lucy, Boston University (Student Representative)
Ke Nie, University of California, San Diego (Student Representative)
Merin Oleshuk, University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign
Matt Rafalow, University of Southern California and Google
Joel Stillerman, Grand Valley State University

Visit the Section’s website here.